Downloading LFE


The LFE download contains the executable. Please note that since the LFE uses Qt libraries, you either need to have Qt (4.4.3 or higher) installed on your computer or the correct dynamically linked libraries available. Static compilation can also be made vaialable (you don't need to have Qt installed on your computer). Please contact me if you have difficulties running the program or questions about program permissions. In Linux, when you transfer the executable into your destination folder, you need to give it the required permissions. This can be done by typing 'chmod ugo+rwx LFE##', where ## is either 32 or 64. Please note that I update LFE very often but I'm behind with updating the files on this website. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly to get the newest-newest everything.
Questions and comments: tom 'at' toomashaller 'dot' com, toomashaller 'at' gmail 'dot' com.

 Linux, 64 bit (Oct, 2017):
   LFE executable for 64-bit Redhat, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu (zip format, dynamic compilation - Qt needed (most clusters already have Qt)).
Attn: The U. of Tartu cluster already has it installed!

 Linux, 32 bit (Oct, 2017):
   LFE executable for 32-bit Ubuntu Linux and most other Debians and Red Hats (zip format, dynamic compilation - Qt needed)
 Other Linux / Unix - contact me
 MacOS X - contact me
 Windows - contact me

The most recent version is Oct, 2017 2015