Running LFE

1. First things to do

Simply download the executable. Decide whether you need the 32-bit or 64-bit version before you download. The servers typically need the 64-bit version. If you are using a Linux I'm not currently supporting or a different OS alltogether, please contact me by e-mail and I'll see what I can do. After you have downloaded the LFE, do this in your terminal if you are using Linux: 'chmod ugo+rwx LFE##', where ## means either 32 or 64. This will make sure that you have the permission to run the executable. Next, download and install Qt. Alternatively, you could just obtain the relevant Qt libraries. If you are using Windows, you don't need to install Qt because the Windows version is statically compiled.

2. Use the command line (the terminal) - a Linux example

Since the LFE is a command line program, you need to run it by using your terminal. First navigate into the directory that contains the LFE executable. Also deposit your input file(s) in the same directory. Typically you would run the LFE like this:

./LFE32 -M mode -switch1 parameter1 -switch2 parameter2 ... (for 32bit)

./LFE64 -M mode -switch1 parameter1 -switch2 parameter2 ... (for 64 bit)

'./LFE32' or './LFE64'   start the LFE,
'-M'  is the main switch that tells the program that the following word tells it what mode (function) to run,
'mode'  is the name of the function to run,
'-switch1'  is a switch that is used to notify the program that the first parameter is following,
'parameter1'  is the first parameter

You can specify only one mode switch (-M), but many other switches. Please note that each switch needs to be followed by exactly one parameter (command) which never conatins spaces. The order of switches is not important.
In order to obtain a log file of your run, follow the command with '> file.log', where the file name can be freely selected. Some functions provide more elaborate log file than the others. If you don't use this option, the log will be displayed on the screen and is not available later.

Here's an example of a typical command:

./LFE32 -M duplicates -file myfile.txt -column 1 -delim tab -case no -remove , > mylog.txt

This line means that the LFE is going to search for duplicates and multiplicates from the column 1 of myfile.txt (which is tab-delimited) in a case-insensitive manner. In addition comma is removed from each entry before the comaprison is made and log is written into mylog.txt. Note that some switches are required and some are not. The mode switch is always required, but here also the file switch is absolutely required. In this example the other switches are not obligatory. If they are omitted, the default values will be used. What switches are required and what the default values are, is described in the commands description parts of this online user guide.

               Note: If you are using Windows, replace "./LFE32" with "LFE32.exe" in all examples of this website (if you have a 32 bit machine).
               Note: If you are using MacOS, replace "./LFE32" with "./" in all examples of this website (if you have a 32 bit machine).

3. Errors

I have provided only the most basic error handling so far. This means that if you make a mistake while typing in your commands, the program will most likely not execute and will not let you know what you did wrong. In that case simply try again. I'm constantly adding more error handling options but there's never going to be enough.

If your command line doesn't work and everything has been double-checked to be correct, your file permission conflicts are most likely why you're having problems. 2017