LFG - making figures

LFG location on the UT cluster: /gpfs/gvgpfs/gvhome/toomasha/SOFT/LFG64
All others please DOWNLOAD LFG HERE

MANHATTAN Manhattan plot maker.


This function generates Manhattan plots. It is possible to select any number of chromosomes. If one chromosome is selected you can zoom in on a specified region. Any input file that has chromsome number, position and p-value can be used. File must be sorted by chromsome number and each chromosome by position number (most GWAS output files already are)! No missing chromsosome or position values tolerated; p-values can be missing. Any delimiter supported (but must be defined), header allowed (can be of any size) and optional. The values below a specified threshold are also written into a file.
Note:If you want to use this script on the UT cluster with Slurm you need to use xvfb (example: "xvfb-run /gpfs/gvgpfs/gvhome/toomasha/SOFT/LFG64 ") or use the -Y tag with ssh (example: "ssh -Y user@address").

./LFG32 -M manhattan -file -column -idcolumn -poscolumn -out -delim -header -header-size -chr -posrange -missing -threshold -figuretitle -xnum -ynum -font1 -font2 -div

-file  = filename. REQUIRED.
-column  = p-value column number. Options: valid column number. REQUIRED
-idcolumn  = chromsome column number. Options: valid column number. REQUIRED
-poscolumn  = position column number. Options: valid column number. REQUIRED
-out  = output file name where p-values go (use without extension). Options: any name. Default = input file name modified
-delim  = file delimiter. Options: a) "tab", "space", "colon", "semicolon", b) any symbol or word without spaces (some symbols require that you precede them with "\"). Default = "tab".
-header  = file header. Options: "yes", "no". Default = "no".
-header-size  = file header size (# of rows); use only if header is larger than 1 row; only the last row is used in the output file. Options: any integer. Default = 1
-chr  = what chromosomes to include. Options: separate chromosomes by "," use "-" for ranges. Example = 1,3,7-11.
-posrange  = if one chromosome is used you can define a range. Example = 2000000-9000000
-missing  = value used for missing p-values. Default = NA
-threshold  = this is -log10(PVALUE); the values larger than this will become red in the graph and are printed into a file. Default = 7.3 (corresponds to P=5E-8)
-figuretitle  = a way the specify title for the figure. Default = input file name
-xnum  = every which chromosome is numbered. Default = 1, recommend 2
-ynum  = every which value is shown for the y axis. Default = 1, recommend 2
-font1  = font size of the title. Default = 12
-font2  = font size of the axis values. Default = 10
-div  = used if the physical numbers of the x-axis are very large and the memory cannot handle the values; does not affect the outcome in any way but changes how the script generates the outcome. Example: -div 100 (use this for very large values)

Example (minimal):
./LFG32 -M manhattan -file table.txt -column 1 -idcolumn 2 -poscolumn 3 -out results
The input file has no header, is tab delimited, all columns are included with default values.
Example (maximal):
./LFG32 -M manhattan -file table.txt -column 1 -idcolumn 2 -poscolumn 3 -out results -delim space -header yes -header-size 14 -chr 1 -posrange 6000000-9000000 -missing na -threshold 6.5 -figuretitle My_Manhatan -xnum 2 -ynum 2 -font1 14 -font2 12 -div 100
The input file has a header (header size = 14, only the last header row is written into the output file), is space delimited, only a specific range from chromsome one is displayed.

ToomasHaller.com 2017